Friday, March 28, 2008

Program presentation

The 15th edition of ISWinT is meant to be not only an anniversary one, but also an change of concept, as during the festival we are dealing with educational, cultural and technological matters.
ISWinT 2008 is willing to increase the level of consciousness among students, taking into consideration today's directions in young people's interests. In the context of cultural diversity and open dialogue, we are going to debate themes of actuality, which are supposed to increase participants' implication in the communities they belong to and to ensure an international spread of the information shared during the festival.

This year, the activities during "International Students Week in Timisoara" take place according to the theme: "Revolution: real vocation meets virtual education". We are living in a world ruled by technology - however we decided to prove that we can make a change. Mixing the classical with the modern, bringing together talent, skills, accessibility and communication speed - these are the means throughout which we hope to achieve our goal. In the actual context of globalization,the risk of losing identity is growing every day. We are willing to facilitate and encourage activities which aim at building a system based on personal values and vocations.

Along this students' week we will try to find in each participant a new way of interaction and communication. That's why we want to offer them a new vision over Romania and also over our city - Timisoara.
We want to show everybody that there's only a tiny difference between Romanian people and the rest of Europe, that we share the same values. We want the students to know that the perspective called Romania really exists and their future in this country is not damaged in any way.
In the same time, our concept, Timisoara - European students' city - is a real one, due to the implication of all the decision factors: students, students organizations, teachers, public and private institutions.
We can achieve all this only by getting to know each other better, by the means of communication and interaction. And during the week
21-30 July 2008, all these are gathered under one name ISWinT - "International Students Week in Timisoara".

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